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Um logotipo para hotmart mostra os termos e condições

Termos e condições



The digital entrepreneurship event currently called "Fire Festival 2024" ("Event") is owned exclusively by LAUNCH PAD TECNOLOGIA, SERVIÇOS E PAGAMENTOS LTDA., CNPJ/ME under No. 13.427.325/0001-05, headquartered in the city of Belo Horizonte, state of Minas Gerais, Brazil, at Avenida Assis Chateaubriand, 499, Bairro Floresta, CEP 30.150-101 ("Hotmart"). Hotmart owns all rights and permits necessary to hold the Event. Therefore, by purchasing a ticket to participate in the Event ("Participant"), the Participant fully, unrestrictedly and irrevocably agrees to the Event’s Terms and Conditions ("Terms"), governed by the following conditions:


1.1 Fire Festival 2024 is a digital entrepreneurship Event, consisting of lectures, classes, workshops, and meetings, in-person and/or online, aiming to promote knowledge and the exchange of information of this sector, and encourage the creation of digital products in various formats.

1.1.1 The current edition of the Event will be held only in the in-person modality, with the possibility, at Hotmart's sole discretion, of offering additional content, delivered either in person or online.


2.1. The Event will be held on August 24 to 26, 2024 at the event center called "Expominas", located at 6200 Amazonas Av., Gameleira, CEP 30510-000, in Belo Horizonte, State of Minas Gerais. Both the location and the date may be subject to change.


3.1. This Event is intended for anyone interested in knowing and learning more about the world of digital entrepreneurship, through lectures, classes, workshops and meetings, in-person, with important names in digital marketing, as well as inspirational names and influencers, in order to help and encourage producers in the creation, development, production, dissemination, promotion and sale of digital products. 

3.2 The Event is mostly for all ages. However, the participation of minors under the age of eighteen (18) will only be allowed in the in-person modality, if they are accompanied by parents or legal guardians (up to the 4th degree) and present the signed term of responsibility, which will be available at this link and at the entrance of the Event.

3.3 Underage Participants acknowledge and agree that, during the Event, in the in-person modality, alcoholic beverages may be available, free of charge or not, in predetermined areas and/or during parts of the Event, and they will not have access to these areas, even if accompanied by their parent(s) or legal guardian.


4.1. The Event’s schedule, including the days and times of the lectures and respective speakers, is subject to changes, for various reasons outside the sphere of Hotmart’s responsibility, which undertakes, however, to keep the schedule and information of the Event duly updated on its official webpage. Therefore, the Participant will be solely and exclusively responsible for following any schedule updates and other information about the Event, exempting Hotmart from any liability for possible changes to the Event’s schedule. 

4.1.1 Participants who have purchased tickets for the Event in the promotional batch, sold during Fire Festival 2023 (from September 1 – 3), or yet, during a period prior to the definition and disclosure of the Event’s speakers and activities, acknowledge and agree that they may not seek reimbursement and/or any compensation for not agreeing with the future lineup of talks, classes, workshops and/or any Event activities, since the purchase was made without such information. 


5.1. The initial ticket sales for the Event, called promotional batch, took place between August 24 to 26, 2023. The other additional lots, after this lot has been finalized, will be available on the Event's website, located at fire.hotmart.com, as well as on Hotmart's and/or the Event's social networks.

5.1.1 The opening date for the sale of additional ticket batches, if any, which may take place after sales end for the ticket batch available on September 4, 2023, will always be duly announced by Hotmart on its website at fire.hotmart.com/en, as well as on the Event's social media accounts. 

5.2 There will be two (2) types of tickets for the Event, as described below: 

(i) BIZ: will grant access to the basic package of the in-person Event, which will consist of lectures, classes and workshops to be announced. Other content and/or activities may be offered, at Hotmart's sole discretion.

(ii) VIP: will grant access to the basic package of the in-person Event, which will consist of lectures, classes and workshops to be announced, as well as access to the VIP area, which will exist at the Event’s location, as well as its benefits, to be disclosed by Hotmart up to the date of the Event. Other content and/or activities may be offered, at Hotmart's sole discretion. 

5.3 The price for tickets corresponding to each of the Event’s modalities, in each of the batches offered, will be disclosed at the places where the tickets are sold, namely: (i) the Event's website and (ii) Hotmart's website, as well as on Hotmart’s and/or the Event’s social media. The Participant declares and agrees, further, that such prices may change with each batch that is made available. 

5.3.1. Participants acknowledge and agree that there is no guarantee as to the price of the tickets. Hotmart reserves the right to apply any other pricing conditions, even if different from the current ones, in order to ensure the viability of the event and its execution, as well as to carry out any promotional initiatives, such as, but not limited to, the offer of discount coupons.  Any price conditions offered after the participant has purchased their ticket, will not be extended to them.

5.4 Hotmart clarifies that the prices shown for each ticket above include the following Brazilian taxes: ISSQN, which corresponds to 5% of the total, and Pis/Cofins, which corresponds to 9.25%. 

5.5 In conformity with the special tax regime adopted by the city of Belo Horizonte, Brazil, Hotmart will issue a tax receipt that has the same fiscal validity as an invoice. After the ticket is purchased, the receipt will be automatically generated and sent to the e-mail address registered by the Participant. In order to request a copy, Participants should send an e-mail to fire@hotmart.com. 

5.6. The Participant declares that they are aware and agree that the Event, focused on entrepreneurship and targeted to the digital commerce public, is not included in the list of artistic-cultural and sports events of the Brazilian Half-Price Ticket Law (Law No. 12.933 and Decree No. 8.537/2015), and therefore, no half-price will be available for this Event.

5.6.1 There will be no charge for tickets for Participants who are under the age of 15 (fifteen) at the time of the Event. These participants will not receive any kind of material, they will only have access to the Event. For such participants, we emphasize the rule in force in tem 3.2. of these Terms, namely, the requirement to be accompanied by parent(s) and/or legal guardian(s) throughout the Event. 

5.7. The ticket purchased for the in-person modalities of the Event will only be valid for the admittance of 1 (one) person. If there’s any misuse, attempt to duplicate or copy the ticket, only the holder of the ticket that has been validated first, even if they aren’t the holder, will have access to the premises of the Event. 

5.8. A refund may be requested by the Participant within the period of regret provided in the Consumer Protection Code, i.e., within seven (7) days from the effective date of purchase. For tickets purchased within less than seven (7) days of the Event, the maximum period for requesting a refund will be up to forty-eight (48) hours before the beginning of the Event.   

5.9. The Participant acknowledges and agrees that the tickets are personal and can only be transferred under the terms of item 5.10 below. In the case of group ticket purchases, the Participant must contact fire@hotmart.com and make the request, which will be evaluated and granted on a case-by-case basis.

5.10. The Participant may change the ownership of their ticket simply by contacting Hotmart support by means of an email to fire@hotmart.com with their registration information and the information of the person to whom the ticket should be transferred. The request for transfer can only occur up to fifteen (15) days before the Event, which is the minimum period necessary for Hotmart to make all of the necessary changes. 


6.1 Hotmart may, at its sole discretion and by mere liberality, by itself or by third parties, grant, at any time, giveaways, kits and/or conduct occasional promotional activities before and during the Event, which, if granted and/or carried out, may or may not be previously informed and disclosed by Hotmart, at its sole discretion. 

6.1.1 Participants acknowledge and agree that the awarding of giveaways and/or kits and/or participation in occasional promotional initiatives, if any, may be limited to a certain number of participants and/or exclusive to one or more ticket types, at Hotmart's sole discretion. 

6.1.2  The Participant also agrees that any kit granted by Hotmart with the ticket purchased will only be delivered if the Participant attends the Event. Therefore, there will be no home delivery of such kits, if any, at home.

6.2 Hotmart may also, at its sole discretion, before, during or after the Event, offer Participants special promotional initiatives and/or exclusive experiences, with or without the participation of the Speakers, free of charge or for an additional fee, in addition to those initiatives and experiences already available with the purchase of tickets (BIZ and VIP) for participation in the Event. 

6.2.1 The purchase of a ticket for these specific initiatives and/or experiences does not exempt the Participant from the need to purchase a ticket for the Event, in the BIZ or VIP modalities, which is required for access to the Event.


7.1. By purchasing your ticket for the Event and in the best form of law, Participants agree to grant and transfer to Hotmart, exclusively and on a universal and free basis, in full, definitively, irrevocably and irreversibly, for the purpose of use, at any time, in Brazil and/or abroad, the rights to use their image, likeness, and sound of voice ("Image and Voice usage permission") recorded throughout the Event, with photo and video cameras, drones, or any other means of image and sound capturing that exists or will exist at the time of the Event, in any format, such as but not limited to photos, videos, testimonials and documents, for the production and realization, by Hotmart, in any known format or one to be invented, for commercial purposes or not: (i) of new works; (ii) of promotional campaigns and/or ads; (iii) in institutional actions and campaigns; and (iv) any other purposes necessary for internal disclosure or for the general public on social media, Hotmart’s websites and/or any other available physical and/or digital media. 

7.1.1 Hotmart may process personal data to achieve the purpose set out in clause 7.1. In this case, the terms of Clause Eight shall be observed. 

7.2 Considering that during the Event, Hotmart, guest speakers and third parties will expose content protected by intellectual property rights, audio recording, images and filming of lectures and the Event itself will not be permitted, including the content of interviews and the gathering of testimonials with other Event participants, except upon prior written permission granted by Hotmart.


8.1. Hotmart may process personal data to enable your participation in the Event. In this case, the personal data will be processed by Hotmart respecting the applicable personal data protection standards, observing all the terms of the Privacy Policy


9.1 The Participant agrees to fully observe all standards, rules and internal regulations issued by the establishment in which the Event will be held, and/or the platform on which the Event will be made available, as well as respect the applicable federal, state and municipal laws, under penalty of not being able to participate in/ be removed from the Event, in any of its modalities. 

9.2 The holding, use and consumption of illicit substances; the possession and use of knives or firearms; and the use of drone(s) and similar devices will not be allowed at the Event, and the consumption of alcoholic beverages is also prohibited, except for those eventually supplied by the Event organization to Participants over the age of eighteen (18).

9.3 Hotmart will treat all Event Participants respectfully. Likewise, the Participant shall treat with civility and politeness all Participants, speakers, employees and/or workers present at the Event, outsourced or not, under penalty of being removed from the Event. 

9.4 Despite the deep respect for all political and religious positions, Hotmart has the guideline of not having its institutional image linked to political parties and/or agents, nor to beliefs and religions. Political and religious manifestations will not be tolerated at the Event. If any of the acts, actions, conducts or behaviors mentioned above is identified, the Participant acknowledges that they will be immediately removed from the Event.

9.5 The Participant acknowledges and agrees that they will not be allowed to perform, during the Event, activities related to the offering, purchasing, advertising and/or pamphleting related to third-party products and/or services, without prior authorization from Hotmart, under penalty of being immediately removed from the Event.

9.6 The practice of acts of vandalism, racist and homophobic conduct and/or bigotry and discrimination in general is unacceptable, in addition to presenting aggressive or inappropriate behavior that may compromise Hotmart’s image, assets and/or business. If any act, action, conduct or behavior mentioned above is identified, the Participant acknowledges that they will be immediately removed from the Event.

9.7 The Participant exempts Hotmart from any liability, civil or criminal, due to any losses, physical, material and/or moral damages that may eventually occur during the Event. Additionally, the Participant acknowledges and agrees that Hotmart shall not be held liable, in any event, for damages and losses caused by the action and/or omission, whether culpable or wilful, of third parties, even if hired by Hotmart due to the Event.

9.8 Hotmart may cancel or suspend the Event, including, but not limited to, matters of public safety, public health, public acts, vandalism and/or force majeure and unforeseeable circumstances, without such measure generating the right to reimbursement of the amounts spent with the purchase of tickets and/or reimbursement for related expenses.

9.9 Hotmart also reserves the right, at any time, upon prior notice, to modify any items in these Terms and/or the Event. If Hotmart modifies any items in these Terms, Hotmart will not incur any liabilities as a result of such actions.

9.10 Participants who violate the Terms may be removed from the Event by Hotmart's employees, security agents or by activating law enforcement authorities, notwithstanding, in any case, the adoption of other administrative and judicial measures. Therefore, if the Participant violates the Terms in any way, they will not be entitled to any kind of refund, compensation and/or indemnification from Hotmart. 

9.11. Brazilian law shall apply to the Event and any disputes arising out of its execution and/or these Terms, including, but not limited to its disclosure, execution, participation, and, if any, awards. 

9.12 The parties agree, further, that any disputes regarding this instrument and/or the Event that are not solved amicably, shall be submitted to the District Courts of Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil, herein elected as the only competent court to solve them, with the expressed waiver of any other, however privileged it may be.

9.13 Any questions or suggestions regarding the Event may be sent to fire@hotmart.com and will be assessed by Hotmart as soon as possible. 

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